Does Daylight Savings Conserve Energy?

The term “daylight saving” bears no relation to giving our farmer longer working hours, but it does affect the USA and many other countries. One estimate given is that over 1.6 billion people are affected worldwide. One explanation for adopting daylight saving time is that it decreases energy consumption, by reducing the amount of electric and other similar generated lighting.

We are living in a world today which is threatened by global warming and various other unnatural disasters. Due to the over utilization of pollution generating fossilized fuels, we find ourselves in a situation of trying to clean up our planet and conserving energy as a means of doing so. 

Various studies have been conducted by a variety of sources and it seems, a general consensus leans towards daylight savings actually increasing residential electricity consumption. This unpleasant opinion has been explained by the fact that although daylight saving time can affect a decrease in demand for residential lighting: at the same time it increases the demand for heating and cooling especially, by way of air conditioning. For further information

It is natural for a variety of people to favor daylight saving time but, for reasons that are not associated with electricity and other energy savings, such as outdoors activities in the evenings.   However, another aspect is that many citizens have found the changes disrupt their lifestyles and prefer the sunlight in the morning.


It is an issue that will continue, especially in regions where the air conditioning usage is greater and continuing to expand. It is here that seemingly, the instigation of daylight saving time will result in even greater electricity increases. In this respect, Arizona, one of the hottest states in the USA, could be on the right track by keeping the status quo. More information.

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