How to Maintain Standby Generator

Personalized Power Systems

For many people, utilizing a maintenance system on a standby generator is something they would never consider.
It’s an option that most people typically ignore or stay clear of; but given that the average life expectancy of a standby generator can be anything from 10-30,000 hours, it can be a very smart decision to take on. With standby generators typically only operating everything from 26 hours/year up to several hundred hours/year, it makes sense to look after them to make sure you get the maximum level of years out of your generator at full control.
Maintaining a standby generator, though, can be quite tough. Something that gets used less and less will typically lose performance and efficiency, and this can drastically limit the level of performance that you receive back.
So, how do you go about successful maintaining a standby generator safely and without problems? Regardless of how the system is managed – diesel or gas – you will find that any of the following parts of the generator might need to be investigated;
• Transfer switches – can be found online or from your supplier if you need a replacement.
• Alternators – very easy to find and often overlooked as part of the problem.
• Air systems – keeps the performance levels fair by managing the temperature properly.
• Lubricant – manages performance and limits downtime.
• Fuel systems – typically needs you to know what kind of fuel system you are using; gas/diesel.
To get the best out of your system, then, you need to know how to best manage it and make the most of the equipment available to you. To do this, you simply have to follow these guidelines;
• Check the oil levels when your unit is not actually running. If the generator has been used recently, wait for ten minutes until after shutdown before you check. Ensure the oil level is as close to full as possible without filling it excessively.
• Make sure that you have a coolant system being used – to do this, check the overflow tank and make sure the levels are right in here. If they are abnormal with what is suggested as normal for your system, get a professional out to correct this.
• Look for loose wires, clamps and various other problems along the way too. If you do this you should be able to spot any kind of damage with regards to corrosion and wear & tear. Some simple maintenance here will ensure you have no problems in completing things as you had originally required.
• If you are using a diesel unit, be sure to look for the fuel/water separators. Add in both fuel and drain water if needed. For gas units, look for any damage to the piping.

Try and carry out semi-annual checks on your system if you can, too. These inspections will help you spot any problems and should be carried out every six months. Seem like a daunting task? That’s what professionals are for. Find a local professional who can service your machine on a schedule to help maintain the highest level of service.

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